Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting: April 7th, 2024

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, April 7th virtually over Google Meet, the Board Chair presiding and the Secretary being present.

The meeting was called to order at 6:10pm. Nine out of the ten Board members were present: Tani, Addy, Violet, Jaykie, Kiro, Sakara, Crake, Sadie and Holly. Guests Amber and Kai were in attendance as well. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.

Reports were given by the Treasurer and the Con Chair. The Treasurer reported that the organization currently has $52,652 in the bank account. The organization has pending deposits from Stripe totaling to $422 and cash deposits totaling to $1,353, making the full amount to $54,427. There are pending liabilities that are expected to be paid back starting with $15,000 to Kelcema Audio, $5,000 to GameSaru, $7,000 to Boss Monsta, $6,735 to Alexis Park, and $17,172 to sales tax remittance. This leaves the organization at a net positive of $3,520; some indeterminate reimbursements have not been calculated as of yet. The Con Chair reported that LVFC 2024 had a total of 2,141 paid registrations, which is a 44% increase from last year’s convention. Over $10,000 was donated to Transpride charity over the weekend, the final numbers will be determined at a later date. Load-in days before the convention ran much more smoothly and staff and team leads were more organized compared to last year. Monday load-out ran later than expected, which will be handled better for year 3. Some major areas of improvement that need to be addressed for year 3 is to allow more accessibility to the ADA elevators, to make the con schedule more easily accessible by creating printed and digital copies that are easy to read, and to consider adopting a ticketing system for dealers’ den and artist alley to limit overcrowding.  

Chair Tani moved to approve the contract terms with Vanity Bat for usage of the old logo with pre-production merchandise in 2023. The motion was adopted after debate.

Chair Tani moved to appoint Clinton Crawford as Assistant Venue Director for LVFC. The motion was adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to amend the FY2024 budget to read as follows: creation of line item P-08 under Programming for poker tournament supplies and prizes, budget is set at $300; increase of line item A-10 under Administrative from $250 to $400 for Business Licenses; Increase of line item S-07 under Sales from $300 to $500 for Poster Tubes and Sleeve; Increase of line item O-13 under Operations from $1000 to $2000 for Laptops. After debate, Chair Tani motioned to amend line item O-13 under Operations from $1000 to $2,280 for Laptops. Both of these motions have been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to amend the Bylaws to increase staff retention. The amended section 4.03 will state as follows: “Officers shall serve indefinitely. Staff appointed by officers per 4.01.6 serve indefinitely unless terminated by relevant Division or Organization protocol.” The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to adopt an optional vaccine raffle for attendees to participate in that includes prizes and procedures as described in the document. The document will be attached to these minutes as Addendum A. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to adopt Section 11.03 to be added into the Bylaws for system management protocol in the event of a complete system migration. Section 11.03 will be added to these minutes as Addendum B. Chair Tani motioned to amend the wording to read “preceding 60 days” instead of “within 60 days.” Both of these motions have been adopted after debate.

Chair Tani moved to appoint Amber Grayson as a Class 1 Director to the Board of Directors. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to appoint Kai Dirkwolf as a Class 2 Director to the Board of Directors. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Director Amber moved to transfer active management of the complete transfer process to Google Workspace to the LVFC IT team. The motion has been adopted after debate.   

Chair Tani moved to approve the contract terms with Sean Chiplock for an LVFC 2025 GOH appearance. The motion has been adopted after debate.

Chair Tani moved to amend section 5.02.2 in the Bylaws in regards to special board meetings being called. The newly amended Bylaws will be added to these minutes as Addendum C. After debate, Chair Tani moved to amend the wording of the section to replace “the Executive Director, or Convention Chair for matters requiring immediate deliberation,” to “the Secretary for matters requiring immediate deliberation.” Both of these motions have been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to amend section 6.02 to add subsection 5 in the Bylaws in regards to Board of Directors duties and responsibilities held in the Board’s official Telegram chat. The newly amended Bylaws will be added to these minutes as Addendum C. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to approve the resolution that all votes done previously through the Telegram chat up until this point of date have been retroactively approved. The motion has been adopted after debate.  

Chair Tani moved to amend section 6.05.1 and to add section 6.05.3 in the Bylaws in regards to the removal process of a director from the Board. The newly amended Bylaws will be added to these minutes as Addendum C. The motion has been adopted after debate.

Chair Tani moved to amend section 10.01 in the Bylaws in regards to the Chair of the Board. The newly amended Bylaws will be added to these minutes as Addendum C. After debate, Chair Tani moved to amend the wording of the section to replace “the Chair of LVFC presides,” to “the Secretary presides.” Both of these motions have been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to keep the 21+ policy indefinitely for LVFC 2025 and forward or consider reverting back to the 18+ policy. The motion has been tabled after debate. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:53pm.
