Meeting Minutes

Special Meeting: April 14th, 2024

A special meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, April 14th virtually over Google Meet, the Board Chair presiding and the Secretary being present.

The meeting was called to order at 4:16pm. Twelve out of the twelve Board members were present: Tani, Addy, Violet, Jaykie, Crake, Sakara, Holly, Kiro, Dodge, Sadie, Amber, and Kai. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.

Reports were given by the Treasurer and the Con Chair. The Treasurer reported that the organization currently has $23,889 in the bank account, $22,481 from American First Credit Union and $1,408 in Clark County Credit Union. The organization has pending deposits from Stripe totaling to $842.53 and cash deposits totaling to $1,353, making the full amount to $26,078. Guestbook rewards final numbers still need to be determined by Alexis Park, however with the 3% on value of the room block, catering, and meeting space, the organization is expected to gain about 5-6k. There are pending liabilities that are expected to be paid back starting with $5,000 to the Con Chair for the promissory note, about $2,000 to reimbursements, $2,000 to the Lean Martin retainer, and $18,948 to sales tax remittance. The Con Chair reported that the post mortem leads meeting discussing criticisms related to year 2 is set for today at 5:00pm PST and the convention is currently starting up negotiating for year 3 with Alexis Park. 

Director Sakara moved for Las Vegas Fur Con to stay as a 21+ convention indefinitely. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Meeting adjourned at 5:02pm. 
