Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting: December 4th, 2022

A regular meeting of the SNAE Board of Directors was held on Sunday, December 4th, 2022, at 7:06pm virtually over Discord, the Chair presiding and the Secretary being present.

A regular meeting of the SNAE Board of Directors was held on Sunday, December 4th, 2022, at 7:06pm virtually over Discord, the Chair presiding and the Secretary being present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.

The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm. Roll Call was taken by the Secretary. Nine out of nine Board members were present: Addy, Tani, Ivy, Kuru, Violet, Jaykie, Holly, Sakara, and Khromatic.

A report was given by the Treasurer Ivy, Vice Chair Tani, and Chair Addy. Treasurer: Current balance $13,905.50. Write a check for $12,000 to pay for our deposit which is due December 12th, the check hasn’t been cleared. 

Vice Chair: Printed up 500 LVFC business cards for MFF, so expecting to see a surge of registration and booking sales after MFF. 

Chair: $561.87 weekly payouts from badge sales. Did get the message from the IRS: they gave more questions and the chair has been attempting to respond to the IRS questions. 

Chair Addy moved to approve a budget plan for the year 2023. The LVFC budget plan 2023 will be added to these minutes as Addendum A. The motion was adopted after debate. 

Chair Addy moved to strike out the third paragraph of the first and second page of the Parental Consent Form and insert in its place “LVFC will only allow attendees age 16 and above” and strike out the last sentence in the first paragraph. The motion was adopted after debate.

Chair Addy moved to allocate $258 for the purpose of paying a P.O Box for the organization in the next 12 months in the year 2023. The motion was adopted after debate. 

Chair Addy moved to hold the Board of Directors regular monthly meetings for 2023 on the first Sunday of every month starting at 7:00pm. The motion was adopted after debate. 

Director Sakara moved to allocate $400 for the purpose of travel and lodging for the A/V technician. The motion was adopted after debate. 

The meeting adjourned at 9:25pm.