Meeting Minutes

Special Meeting: September 22nd, 2022

A special meeting of the SNAE Board of Directors was held on Sunday, September 22nd, 2022, at 7:05pm virtually over Discord, the Chair presiding and the Secretary being present. The minutes of the last meeting were distributed and approved as distributed. 

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm. Roll Call was taken by the Secretary. Four of the four Board members were present: Addy, Tani, Ivy, and Kuru. Guest Jane was also in attendance.

A report was given by Treasurer Ivy. Treasurer Ivy reported that there is currently $5,670 in the organization’s bank account, the organization is currently $4,376 in debt, and the organization has made a total of $10,050 from registration sales and hotel bookings.  

Treasurer Ivy moved to allocate an additional $64 for the purpose of purchasing event insurance. The motion was adopted after debate. 

Chair Addy moved to amend a motion made at the previous meeting, to “strike out the words ‘Form 1024’ and insert ‘Form 1023’ and to strike out the words ‘$600’.” After amendment, the motion would read “to allocate up to $650 from the checking account for the purpose of paying the fee to file a Form 1023 with the IRS.” The motion was adopted after debate. 

Chair Addy moved “that the draft of the Bylaw amendments as distributed be adopted.” The draft of the Bylaws as amended is attached to these minutes as Addendum A. The motion was adopted after debate.

Chair Addy moved “that the draft of the Articles of Incorporation as distributed be adopted.” The draft of the Articles of Incorporation is attached to these minutes as Addendum B. The motion was adopted after debate. 

Chair Addy moved to grant the Department of Marketing the ability to comp up to 30 attendee badges for the purposes of attracting major artists and panelists in the community. The motion was adopted after debate.

Chair Addy moved “that Red be appointed as AV’s assistant and is directed to report to the AV lead.” The motion was adopted after debate. 

Chair Addy moved to accept a $5,000 sponsorship with MobiusYip in exchange for a featured position on the con website and in the con book. Director Tani abstained from the discussion and vote due to a conflict of interest. The motion was adopted after debate. 

The meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.