Meeting Minutes

Monthly Meeting: August 2, 2022

The first regular monthly meeting of the SNAE Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022, at 6:25pm virtually through Google Meet, the President being in the chair and the Secretary being present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.

A report was given by President and Chair Addy Acro-Santos and Treasurer Ivy. President Addy reported that Jane Horror had resigned as Director. No report was given by Secretary Tani Coyote.

President Addy moved “that the draft of the Bylaw amendments as distributed be adopted.” The draft of the Bylaws as amended is attached to these minutes as Addendum A. The motion was adopted after debate.

President Addy moved “that Violet the Fox be appointed as President of the Board of Directors.” The motion was adopted and Addison Sorca resigned as President.

Chair Addy moved “that the Board of Directors meet every first Sunday at 7pm for the rest of the year 2022.” The motion was adopted after debate.

Tani Coyote resigned as Secretary. Chair Addy moved “that Jaykie be appointed as Secretary of the organization.” The motion was adopted after debate.

The meeting adjourned at 7:41pm.