Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting: August 4th, 2024

A Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, August 4th virtually over Google Meet, president Addy presiding in place of the board chair since they were not present and the Secretary being present for the meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:02pm. Eleven out of the twelve Board members were present: Tani, Addy, Violet, Sakara, Jaykie, Kai, Dodge, Holly, Sadie, Crake, and Amber. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.

Reports were given by the Treasurer and Con Chair. The Treasurer reported that the organization currently has $60,942 in the bank account, $2,129 from Clark County Credit Union and $40,407 from American First Credit Union. The organization has pending deposits from Stripe totaling to $11,406 and from Shopify totaling to $7,000, making the full amount to $60,942. The Con Chair reported that most attendees prefer the idea of temporarily-limited registration to get hotel rooms to a room lottery. In addition, they reported that HR executives have been hiring, social media team has been established, art team has been given a list of key items to draw up, a web designer lead has been hired, the IT team is receiving access to more drives, and the programming department made contact with outside vendors to begin the 2025 cycle. 

Chair Tani moved to amend the FY2025 budget, by renaming line item V-03 “Serene Attrition” to “Serene Deposit” and increasing the amount to $40,000. The motion has been adopted after debate.

Chair Tani moved to adopt a resolution titled “Contract Delegation Bylaw Amendment”. This document has been added to these minutes as Addendum A. The motion has been adopted after debate.

Chair Tani moved to adopt a resolution titled “Establish Constructive Votes of Confidence.” This document has been added to these minutes as Addendum B. The motion has been adopted after debate.

Director Sakara moved to amend the resolution by appending “An officer who are also Board members and voted on being removed may not vote for their own removal or replacement.” The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Director Amber moved to enter a 10 minute recess. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to adopt the Furry Village Program 2025 Proposal. This document has been added to these minutes as Addendum C. The motion has been adopted. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.