A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, May 7th, 2023 virtually over Google Meets, the Con Chair presiding and the Secretary being present.
The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm. Six out of nine Board members were present: Addy, Tani, Jaykie, Kiro, Sakara and Holly. Guests Ashe and Amber were in attendance as well. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.
A report was given by the Con Chair and Treasurer. The Con Chair reported that they have discussed matters relating to venue negotiations. The treasurer reported that all the sales taxes from the vendors and artists have been finalized. The treasurer also reported that the current bank account for the organization is $3,793.47
Con Chair Addy moved to amend Section 3.03 – Requirements for Membership; subsection 1 to read as follows, “All Staff and Directors of the Organization shall be granted membership for the duration of their term.” The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to adopt a resolution to reform the process by which members of the Organization are chosen (Res-2023-005). The resolution will be attached to these minutes as Addendum A. The resolution was adopted after debate.
Director Sakara moved to amend Section 10.06 – Department Heads; subsection 1 to read as follows, “The Department Heads, also known as the Department Directors, are the overseers of the Divisions Department.” The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to amend Section 7.01- Executive Committees, subsection 2 to strike out the words “online community division” and instead read as “community events division.” The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to adopt a resolution to reform the staff of the organization (Res-2023-006). The resolution will be attached to these minutes as Addendum B. The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to adopt a resolution to clarify the manner in which records of the Organization are made public (Res-2023-007). The resolution will be attached to these minutes as Addendum C. The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to dissolve the LVFC 2023 staff by removing the acting con chair, Tani Coyote, and all presiding officers under his command. The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to make himself and Tani Coyote as co-chair for LVFC. The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to appoint Kuru as Head of HR, Tani as Head of Marketing, Sakara as Head of Operations, Crake as Head of Programming, and Addy as Head of Sales and Registration. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved to extend the promissory notes due dates to 6 months in advance, which will extend the due date to November 1st. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved to officially adopt the 21+ policy for LVFC 2024 and onward until such a time the organization is able to change the policy. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved to appoint Crake as a FLCR representative, replacing Ivy in their place. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved to set the regular Board of Directors meetings to start at 6pm Pacific Standard Time. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved to start finalizing registration tiers for when the year 2 contract is finalized. The motion was adopted after debate.
Secretary Jaykie moved to appoint Addy as Executive Director/President. The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to appoint himself as the Chair of the Community Events Committee. The motion was adopted after debate.
Meeting adjourned at 9:42pm.