A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, April 2nd, 2023 virtually over Google Meets, the Con Chair presiding and the Secretary being present.
The meeting was called to order at 7:12pm. Seven out of eight Board members were present: Violet, Addy, Tani, Crake, Jaykie, Kiro and Sakara.. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.
A report was given by the Con Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer. The Con Chair reported that they have printed out 1600 attendee badges and 100 staff badges. They plan on going to the post office tomorrow to mail everything out, and those who received mailed-in badges should be receiving them in about 2-3 days. The con chair also mentioned that the Vice Chair has been handling issues pertaining to venue issues, specifically with the main stage, but they have been resolved. The Con Chair plans to edit budget lines, delegate staff positions among the various departments, and combine the two registration teams into one team at this meeting.
Vice Chair reported that they are finalizing the staff roles and hiring more staff for the cons av team. As of now, the organization has in total 55 staffers, the large majority being in ops and registration.Vice Chair also reported that registration has increased since the last meeting to about 13 registrations a day; now generating more revenue due to the increase in registration of $70. Sales should be picking up now that the Ace the Coyote plushies are now available.
The Treasurer reported that the current bank account for the organization is at $10,350. There is a venue charge coming up on the 11th that is approximately $25,000. The organization spent approximately $39,561 in the past 4 weeks.
Vice Chair Tani moved to appoint Kiro to the Board of Directors. The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to amend FY 2023 Budget, line S-4 from $7,000 to $8,100 for Ace the Coyote Plushies. The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to amend FY 2023 Budget, line S-5 from $3,000 to $5,000 for Other Merchandise. The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to appoint the following staff as AV Assistant: Maxwell, Tyco, Larscis, Shavano, Bandaid Roo, and Haru. The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to merge the Registration team and Pre Registration team as one team, making Humphrey Registration Desk Lead and all other Registration Assistant Officers underneath Humphrey. The motion was adopted after debate.
Con Chair Addy moved to appoint Tani Coyote as Venue Liaison under the Department of Operations. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved to appoint Chalupa as Party Maven under the Department of Operations, and Naef and Fuji Coymutt as Registration Assistant under the Department of Sales and Registration. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved to adopt the COVID-19 waiver. It will be attached to these minutes as Addendum A. The motion was adopted after debate.
Meeting adjourned at 7:56pm.