A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, March 5th, 2023 virtually over Google Meets, the Con Chair presiding and the Secretary being present.
The meeting was called to order at 7:07pm. Seven out of eight Board members were present: Addy, Tani, Crake, Jaykie, Khromatic, Sakara, and Holly. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.
A report was given by the Con Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer. The Con Chair reported that they plan on meeting with Alexis Park some time during this month to discuss matters relating to security at the con. The chair also plans to finalize and update the room diagrams and meet with the fire department to approve their layout. The Vice Chair reported that registration is on the rise, reporting 8 paid registrations a day for the past two weeks. The Treasurer reported that the current bank account for the organization is at $8,293. Stripe still owes the organization about $2,691. Additionally, the organization recently spent about $957.39 on laptops and other required tech and there is a deposit of $20,000 due for merchandise on the 15th.
Chair Addy moved to amend FYE 2023 Budget, Line M-2 from $100 to $100.40 for the banner cost at LVL UP Expo. The motion was adopted after debate.
Chair Addy moved to adopt the promissory notes as presented to the board. The promissory notes will be attached to these minutes as Addendum A. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved to approve the Head of Sales and Registration as the one responsible for approving and verifying vaccination exemption with the ability to appoint one member from the Department of Operation. The motion was adopted after debate.
Chair Addy moved to appoint Caz/Kevin as Game Lounge Lead. The motion was adopted after debate.
Chair Addy moved to appoint Sparkle as an AV assistant officer. The motion was adopted after debate.
Chair Addy moved to create a VIP Liaison position under the Department of Programming which will oversee the featured guests handler and guest of honor handler. The motion was adopted after debate
Chair Addy moved to appoint Kiro as the VIP Liaison/Guest of Honor Handler. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved to amend the volunteer and staff compensation to remove the 16 and 20 hour compensation schedule for volunteer recruits. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved to appoint Kiro as ConOps Lead. The motion was adopted after debate.
Meeting adjourned at 9:06pm.