A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, January 8th, 2023 virtually over Discord, the Chair presiding and acting as Secretary.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm. Roll Call was taken by the Secretary. Five out of eight Board members were present: Addy, Tani, Sakara, Ivy, Holly, and Violet.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.
A report was given by the Treasurer, Vice Chair, and Chair.
The Treasurer reported that there is currently $5,422 in the bank. She also reported that she had paid for PO Box in 2022 and for 2023’s web hosting from Hostinger.
The Vice Chair is currently networking with other fur cons in the area. He plans on distributing postcards at FC and TFF.
The Chair reported that he was awaiting response from the IRS concerning 501(c)(3) recognition and that Director Kuru had resigned as Director.
Chair Addy moved to appoint Crake to the Board of Directors. The motion was adopted after debate.
Treasurer Ivy formally resigned as Director.
Vice Chair Tani moved to appoint Dodge Deluxeado as Attendee Welfare Lead, Leko Lightfox as A/V Lead, Hawkfeather as ConOps Assistant Officer, Sadie as ConOps Assistant Officer, Fuji Coymutt as Pre-Reg Officer (renamed from Pre-Reg Desk Lead), Harlan Fox as Registration Assistant Officer, Snarrfle as Registration Assistant Officer, Kermudgy as Registration Assistant Officer, Reuf as Vendor Hall Lead, and Rinorvarka as Con Store Lead. The motion was adopted after debate.
Chair Addy moved to make HR its own department, to be headed by current HR Lead Kuru with Khromatic to act as HR Officer under him. The motion was adopted after debate.
Chair Addy moved to transfer line O-8 of the 2023 budget, “Game Lounge”, to line P-3. The motion was adopted after debate.
Chair Addy moved to transfer the positions of Fursuit Lounge Officer and Quiet Lounge Officer to the Operations Department. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved that the Board accept a loan of $10,000, the terms of which can be found in the promissory note attached as Addendum A. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved for the adoption of the contract with RDR (Addendum B). The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved for the adoption of a contract with Tanio (Addendum C). The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved for adoption of a merchandising contract (Addendum D). The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved to create a budget line item of $250 under Sales for “Dealers Den Vouchers” and of $130 under Programming for “Game Show Prizes”. The motion was adopted after debate.
Vice Chair Tani moved that the Department of Marketing be given three Lifetime Sponsorships to be given away at the charity auctions for Further Confusion, Anthro New England, and Texas Furry Fiesta. The motion was adopted.
The meeting adjourned at 8:54pm.