Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting: January 5th, 2025 [DRAFT]

A Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, January 5th virtually over Google Meet, the Board Chair presiding and the Secretary being present.

The meeting was called to order at 6:19pm. Nine out of the twelve Board members were present: Tani, Addy, Jaykie, Crake, Amber, Holly, Sadie, Sakara, and Kiro. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.

Reports were given by the Treasurer and LVFC Chair. The Treasurer reported that the organization currently has approximately $153,337.65 between all accounts. The organization has a 12 month flex certificate deposit with AFCU amounting to $32,959.98. This amount cannot be tapped in until April 1st without any penalty, with the plan being to mostly empty the account to pay for any at-con bills. Overall, the organization is averaging about 4 registrations per day, amounting to $360. January’s monetary liabilities are $104,000 for Serene and $8,750 for Alexis Park. After the 8th of this month, the organization will have to refund all Serene rooms that do not pay their second deposit. Currently there are 48 rooms available with an estimated total of $9,450. 

The LVFC Chair reported that performers are chosen and residency status will be determined to some of the special guests. The AD Night Market is now officially set for both saturday and sunday night. The hospitality executive has been established and now some departments, like party maven, have been moved under hospitality. The Jackpot plushie is almost ready to enter production. And empty staff hotel room blocks are getting ready to be released to the public on January 18th.

Chair Tani moved to adopt a resolution to authorize a brokerage account. This document of the resolution will be attached to the meetings as Addendum A. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Director Addy moved to amend the FY2025 budget by adding a line item titled “Networking equipment” for the amount of $1,350. The motion has been adopted after debate.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm.