A Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, December 1st virtually over Google Meet, the Board Chair presiding and the Secretary being present.
The meeting was called to order at 6:09pm. Eight out of the twelve Board members were present: Tani, Addy, Violet, Jaykie, Sadie, Kiro, Sakara, and Crake. Guest Ezriana was also in attendance as well. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.
Reports were given by the Treasurer and LVFC Chair. The Treasurer reported that the organization currently has approximately $139,824.09 in the bank account, $2,041.48 from the Clark County Credit Union checking account and $26,923.68 from the American First Credit Union checking account. The organization has a 12 month flex certificate deposit with AFCU amounting to $80,655.50 with a 4.75% APY. Along with a money market savings account with AFCU amount to $19,109.84. The organization also has $917.48 from Stripe and $7,176.11 from Shopify. The organization is still on track to have a surplus of finances despite having pending deposits from Alexis Park.
The LVFC Chair reported 1,095 people have registered for LVFC 2025, 179 registered making up the staff team. Leadership meetings have begun for coordination and programming applications are closing this month. Contract templates for guests of honors and A/V staff are being finalized and reviewed one last time through the organization’s legal representative. Also looking into establishing two new executives: IT for tech research and Hospitality for attendee experience. Exact underlying departments are still a work in progress. HR lead, Ezriana, has been asked for an initial proposal. The organization is working with Nerdterpreters to have a quality ASL service on site. They handle contact and scheduling with Deaf attendees. Dealers’ den has been finalized and final payments for the booth space will be submitted on December 10th. The convention is shifting to wristband-based registration to resolve the issues from Year One and Two. Groups affected negatively were already affected negatively by the other systems. Logistics have been sorted out with security and registration over a meeting. In discussion with ConCat to introduce scannable wristbands Year 4; Civet Systems has the tech if ConCat is unable to produce their own. The organization has already prepared a statement for release to attendees if the policy is approved by the convention executive committee.
Chair Tani moved to adopt the proposed 2025 meeting schedule to where the Board of Directors meet on a quarterly monthly basis; January 5th, April 6th, July 6th, and October 5th. These Board of Director meetings shall be hosted on the first Sunday of every calendar quarter unless there is a large-scaled furry convention scheduled that weekend, at which point it is postponed a week in advance to the second Sunday of the month. The motion has been adopted after debate.
Chair Tani moved to fully approve the Kelcema Audio contract, thus making adjustments where seen fit within the AV section of the FY2025 budget. The motion has been adopted after debate.
Meeting adjourned at 6:27pm.