Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting: September 8th, 2024

A Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, September 8th virtually over Google Meet, Chair Tani presiding in place of the board chair since they were not present and the Secretary being present for the meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:11pm. Nine out of the twelve Board members were present: Tani, Addy, Sakara, Jaykie, Kai, Holly, Sadie, Crake, and Amber. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.

Reports were given by the Treasurer, Secretary, Con Chair, and the Committee Events Chair. The Treasurer reported that the organization currently has $89,848 in the bank account, $1,978 from Clark County Credit Union and $61,856 from American First Credit Union. The organization has pending deposits from Stripe totaling to $18,882, from Shopify totaling to $7,134, and $25,000 to Kelcema which may be reduced. The Con Chair and Secretary reported that the marketing meeting met September 8th to establish art projects for con store merch and social media posts amongst the artists on the team. Additionally, the Con Chair reports that the Serene hotel room block opened smoothly, 66 rooms were sold in a minute and looking to open wave 2 this wednesday. The Committee Events Chair reported that the organization’s current charity, Transpride, has allowed the organization to hold a small furry game night during September and looks to establish a community events division fund to assist funding events outside of LVFC. 

Director Addy moved that the Board permit the Treasurer to create a Community Events Division Fund and a corresponding bank account if he deems it necessary, that the Community Events Committee be permitted to solicit donations to said fund, and that the fund only be used to fund events outside of LVFC, with the caveat that money cannot be taken out of the account without Board approval. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Director Amber moved that the Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall not govern the organization any longer, we instead use it as a way to keep it as guidelines and a way to outline how we can do business. The motion has been tabled.

Chair Tani moved to amend section 10.05.3 to add section B to the Bylaw Documents. This resolution has been added to these minutes as Addendum A. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to appoint Kai Dirdwolf  as Vice Chair to the LVFC division. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to appoint Sadie as 2nd Vice Chair to the LVFC division. The motion has been adopted after debate.    

Meeting adjourned at 7:11pm.