A special meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, February 12th, 2023 virtually over Google Meets, the Chair present as well as the secretary.
The meeting was called to order at 3:14pm. Five out of eight Board members were present: Addy, Tani, Crake, Violet and Jaykie. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.
A report was given by the Chair and the Treasurer. The chair reported that they plan to continue discussion upon the vaccine policy as previously mentioned in the last meeting. The Treasurer reported that the current bank account for the organization is at $6,685.32. They are currently working with the director of marketing to get receipts for airline tickets. Currently, there is a check that is due tomorrow and Addy plans on writing it up. Additionally, $17,000 is expected to come in from Stripe in the next few days.
Chair Addy moved to adopt the promissory notes as presented to the board. The promissory notes will be attached to these minutes as Addendum A. The motion was adopted after debate.
Chair Addy moved to amend a motion previously made to accept a limited number of vaccine exemptions to the COVID-19 policy: Attendees would have to arrange for an exemption prior to April 1st and present a signed doctor’s note prior to the convention. The motion was adopted after debate.
Chair Addy moved to adopt the cost schedule for the Ace plushie. The motion was adopted after debate.
Chair Addy moved to amend Line P-2 for Travel, Guests of Honor on the LVFC 2023 Budget Plan, bringing the total allocated up to $5,200. The motion was adopted after debate.
The meeting adjourned at 3:50pm.