Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting: February 4th, 2024

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Nevada Anthropomorphic Events was held on Sunday, February 4th virtually over Google Meet, the Board Chair presiding and the Secretary being present.

The meeting was called to order at 6:07pm. Eight out of the ten Board members were present: Addy, Violet, Tani, Jaykie, Kiro, Sakara, Crake, and Dodge. Guest Kai was in attendance as well. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as distributed.

Reports were given by the Treasurer and the Con Chair. The Treasurer reported that the organization currently has $23,980 deposited in the bank account. The organization is expected to receive $5,454, which brings the total to $29,434 for expenses. There is an upcoming pending expense for Alexis Park amounting up to $20,000 due on the 15th this month. There is also a pending expense from Kelcema amounting up to $15,000 by the end of this month, which puts the organization at a deficit of about $5,500. The Con chair reported that the programming scheduling is being finalized and the NDA’s have been distributed to all LVFC staff. 

Chair Tani moved to amend the rules for the Board of Directors elections. The Board of Directors election amendments will be attached to these minutes as Addendum A. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to adopt a new LVFC privacy policy. The LVFC privacy policy will be attached to these minutes as Addendum B. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to amend and approve the changes to the new NDA policy to make it more tighter and secured after feedback from the HR department. The new NDA policy will be attached to these minutes as Addendum C. The motion has been adopted after debate. 

Chair Tani moved to null and release all staff members from the previous staff and board NDA policy that was passed back in July of 2023. The motion was tabled by Chair Tani. 

Chair Tani moved to authorize Kiro to begin negotiations with Sean Chiplock to be a Guest of Honor for LVFC 2025. The motion has been adopted after debate.  

Meeting adjourned at 6:53pm. 
